
年度/Academic Year 2020
授業科目名/Course Title (Japanese) ビジネスイングリッシュⅠ(1)(英語講義)
英文科目名/Course Title (English) Business English Ⅰ (1)(in English)
学期/Semester 前期 単位/Credits 2
教員名/Instructor (Japanese) BAUMAN,John
英文氏名/Instructor (English) BAUMAN, John

講義概要/Course description
 This introductory course in business communication will cover emails, reports and presentations as they relate to day-to-day operation of business. The class is at a level appropriate for students who have mastered the basics of English and will focus on developing an effective communication strategy and style.  
 The textbook is at the level of a text used in introductory Business Communication classes at US universities. The instructor is involved in communication training at several foreign-capital companies in Tokyo. Students in this class can expect to have a comprehensive overview of current communication practices in international companies. The class will be conducted in English.

達成目標/Course objectives
The following skills will be emphasized.
1) Communicating effectively to accomplish business goals
2) Communicating appropriately in the international workplace
3) Using communication skills to help achieve career satisfaction
授業計画/Lecture plan
授業計画/Class Orientation and explanation 
Please check Course Power for details of Zoom session with instructor during scheduled class time.
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class. Students should send the assigned homework.
授業計画/Class Basic e-mail guidelines
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class. 
授業計画/Class Characteristics of communication. 
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class. 
授業計画/Class Levels of formality
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class. 
授業計画/Class Pre-writing, planning and strategic aspects of communication.
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class. Students should write and send the assigned homework.
授業計画/Class Aspects of speed and efficiency in electronic communication
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class. 
授業計画/Class Organizing information into paragraphs, lists and tables.
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class. Students should do the assigned homework using a word processor.
授業計画/Class Appropriate tone in business communication; concise, unbiased, reader-oriented.
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class.
授業計画/Class Appropriate tone in business communication; positive, active
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class.
授業計画/Class Writing good-news and neutral messages.
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class. Students should send the assigned homework by e-mail.
授業計画/Class Writing bad-news messages.
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class. Students should send the assigned homework by e-mail.
授業計画/Class Personal and impersonal language. Writing recommendation reports.
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class. Students should do the assigned homework using a word processor.
授業計画/Class Business presentations.
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class. Students should prepare a presentation to be given in class.
授業計画/Class Business presentations
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class. Students should prepare a revised version of their presentation.
授業計画/Class Business presentations
事前学習/Preparation Students should consult the syllabus, and review the upcoming sections of the textbook.
事後学習/Reviewing Students should review the material covered in class. 
授業方法/Method of instruction
1 100% Class participation: 50%, Homework assignments 25%, Final exam 25%
1 Business Writing for Successful Communication in the Global Workplace